
Tender is the currency of the post-Undoing world.

How to Get Tender

There are a number of ways to gain tender:

  • Mission and side quest rewards

  • Specific enemies may drop tender as loot

  • Your profession.

Where to Use Tender

Tender is useful for many things:

  • Purchase weapons and gear (some weapons will only be available with tender)

  • Special weapons (only available with tender, some will be limited in quantity and/or available for a limited time)

  • Pay bribes

  • Hire NPCs

Managing Tender on Discord

A significant advantage of playing on Discord is the ability to automate the game's economy. Asynchronous RPG the @Banker bot which is a nickname for the popular UnbelievaBoat Discord bot.

Player Level Tracking

Tender is tracked at the player rather than character level meaning all of your characters share money.

  • The highest profession income among all characters will be paid to the player

  • Characters may not share weapons and gear, just tender

Discord Commands

Here's a full list of bot commands including help on how to use them. Many do not fit the game and are disabled.

Key Commands:

!money: Check your tender balance

!give-money: Transfer tender to another player

!leaderboard: View tender balance for all players

/item store: View items you can buy with tender

/item buy: Buy an item from the store