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Powers Overview

Characters can call upon a small set of powers while on a mission. These powers are activated through use of Miasma. Each power costs 1 miasma to use and can be activated once per turn.

Classes start with a base miasma pool which can be increased using Progression Points (PP)


Some powers can be selected by any class, but most are class-specific. 

Any Class

Assault: melee and ranged attacks this turn deal +1 damage

Recover: Target fallen ally is revived with full health but loses an action that round.

Clarity: Your attacks this turn automatically hit.


Certitude: You and your allies get +1 die on their next four rolls. 

Dark of Night: You, your allies, and their drones deal +1 damage on ranged attacks on their next turn.

Fearsome Stare: Target is unable to attack on the GMs next turn

Gloom: Deal 1 damage to a target. +1 damage each time you use this power in a mission.

Lethargy: Give a target the 'Lethargy' condition. Lethargytarget takes 1 damage and deals -1 damage on each attack. They cannot act for consequences and you and allies get +1 die when attacking.

Levitate: Target an ally or yourself. Target gains the Elevated condition for three turns and is able to levitate or descend as a free action once per turn. 

Regenerate: Apply a buff: ally regains 1 health at the start of each turn as long as the player has not fallen (stacks). 

Rejuvenation: All PCs recover 2 Health

Spikes: Target an ally or yourself. Target gains the Danger 2 condition for three turns. 

Unleash: Apply a buff: ally deals +1 damage on one attack per turn (stacks)


Aimed Shot:  Bow and gun attacks deal +1 damage this turn and automatically hit (no attack roll necessary) 

All In: Take up to 4 damage. Add twice that much damage to one melee attack this turn. Health may not drop to zero.

Close the Distance: Ignore the Elevated condition and deal +2 damage on one melee attack this turn.

Disembowel: One attack using brutal deals +7 damage (brutal limits you to one attack in a round)

Disrupt: Ignore the Armored, Danger, Evasive, or Tough conditions this turn. 

Explosive Ammo: Two attacks from a ranged weapon gain incendiary. Incendiary: deal an additional 4 damage between the target and at least one other valid target.

Flurry: One katana attack this turn deals +1 damage and may be directed at two different targets. Roll to hit each target separately. Apply half of the total damage (including buffs) rounded up to each target. 

Head Shot: One attack with a precise weapon this turn deals +7 damage.

Opportunity: Gain +3 dice for one attack this turn. Deal +3 damage and an additional +5 for each 6 you roll on the attack.  

Poison Ammo: Add poison to four bullets, arrows, or knives. Poison: +2 damage and the target deals -1 damage on the next GM turn.


Defiance: For the rest of the mission, if you are Guarding an ally deal +1 damage on attacks. 

Dispersion: Create a shield equal to 4x your Unyielding total over a large area. The shield absorbs ranged attacks fired at you or your allies until depleted or you drop to zero health. Gain the Sustain passive ability. Sustain: Add 2x your Unyielding bonus to an existing Dispersion shield instead of healing if desired. 

Dull Pain: Increase your maximum health by 2 this mission (current health does not increase).

Fortify: unlock the Bulwark special ability for the duration of this mission. Activate Bulwark this turn. Bulwark: reduce incoming attack damage on the next GM turn by 2. Requires an action. 

Fury: Gain the Fury passive. Fury: Add your Unyielding bonus as damage to one Vigor attack instead of healing if desired.

Onslaught: Reduce Unyielding by one after using it this turn. Deal an additional (X-1) damage on weapon attacks this turn where X is your Vigor. 

Punish: One attack against a target that hit an ally since last turn deals +5 damage

Retribution: Up to 4 enemies that attacked you last round take 3 damage

Shared Suffering: Take 4 damage, deal +6 additional damage on one attack this turn

Vent: You deal your Unyielding total as damage to up to 3 enemies. Unyielding resets to 1. 


Auto Actualization: Once per turn, a newly deployed defender or Med drone activates without using a drone charge. Additional uses—pick a Defender or Med drone summoned this turn, it gains an additional 6 max health.

Combat Accelerant: combat drones this mission deal +2 damage and have +1 health. Additional uses—pick a combat drone, it can divide its damage between two targets for the rest of the mission. 

Focus Fire: If you activate at least 2 combat drones, +3 damage on weapon attacks that round.

Harden Drones: All of your active drones gain +2 max health and recover 2 health

Mend: Upgrade one of your drones to repair 2 health to all player-controlled drones at the start of your turn. 

Mitigate: Two of your active drones gain the Damage Reduction (1) condition. Does not stack.

Paint Target: Upgrade one of your drones to provide targeting assistance. Each turn you may choose a target and all allies and drones gain +1 die to attack and +1 damage against that target. 

Reallocate Resources: Destroy target drone. You cannot deploy another this turn. All PCs recover 3 health.

Reset: for the rest of the mission, before you deploy a drone, you may first destroy one of your existing drones and regain 1 health.  Additional uses—restore a drone to full health.

Stun Beam: Target combat drone incapacitates one target during the next GM turn. The drone takes 3 damage.

Swarm: summon X minions where X = your Focus. Each minion makes a 2 damage ranged attack (auto-hit) and then disappears at the end of turn. 

Progression Based Powers

The availability of some powers are based on your character progression and unlock a certain number of total PP earned. 


6 PP required 

Forms change the way a class plays and come with both benefits and downsides

Magi ( Chant form): While in Magi you gain +1 scourge damage and recover 1 miasma at the start of your turn. You cannot take actions. 

Glory (Shade form): While in Glory you deal +6 damage on attacks. You only have one action per turn and cannot pick up health drops. 

Rooted (Sledge form): While in Rooted you reduce all incoming damage by 1 and gain 2 health at the start of your turn as a free action. You cannot use actions to attack and may only use 1 power per turn. 

Ace (Tek form): While in Ace you are able to have 5 active drones. You cannot take actions other than Operate.