Weapons & Gear

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Weapons are the primary source of damage in Asynchronous RPG. Each player starts with a weapon based on their class and has the opportunity to acquire more through progression points or tender (the currency of the game). 

Weapon List

Special Weapons

Weapon Tags

Tags are used to apply special effects to a weapon. All weapons come with default tags. 

Default Tags List

Special Tags List


Gear items further enhance a character's capabilities. Most gear is defensive in nature, though some are for those who favor even more offense. New characters may choose one gear item. As characters progress they can add gear as well. 

Consumable Items

The following items can be used once per mission and are consumed when doing so. They are available for purchase with Tender. 

Upgrading Weapons

You can upgrade a weapon by adding a tag to it. This costs progression points which vary based on weapon and tag. 

Assault Rifle


Great Melee



When upgrading knives you upgrade a set of them rather than just one. 

Other Melee


When upgrading pistols you upgrade a pair of them rather than just one. 


Sniper Rifle